About the Project

Our organization is currently implementing a series of projects that are focused on educating and engaging teachers and students in the principles and practices of the circular economy. These projects are being implemented in five countries around the world, and they are designed to inspire and support the transition to a more sustainable way of life.

The circular economy is a holistic approach to economic development that focuses on reducing waste and maximizing the use of resources. By designing products and systems that can be easily repaired, reused, and recycled, a circular economy can help to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources. In addition, it can create new economic opportunities and support the development of more resilient and sustainable communities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support the transition to a more sustainable future by promoting the adoption of circular economy principles and practices. Through our projects, we are working to educate and engage teachers and students in the principles and practices of the circular economy, and to inspire and support the transition to a more sustainable way of life.

We believe that education is a key component of the transition to a circular economy. By engaging teachers and students in these projects, we can help to inspire the next generation of sustainable leaders. We are focused on implementing these projects in five countries around the world, and we are working with local organizations and businesses to support the implementation of circular economy initiatives in their communities.

Our goal is to help create a brighter, more sustainable future for all. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference and help to advance the circular economy. We are committed to sharing the lessons learned from our projects, and to supporting others who are working to create a more sustainable future.

Our Team

Our team is comprised of experienced professionals who have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of circular economy. We come from diverse backgrounds and have expertise in areas such as sustainability, education, and business. But what we all have in common is a passion for promoting the adoption of circular economy principles and practices.

We are currently implementing a series of projects in five European countries (Greece, Spain, Bulgaria, Ireland, and Romania) that are focused on educating and engaging teachers and students in the principles and practices of the circular economy. Through a variety of activities, such as workshops, field trips, and community events, we are working to inspire and support the transition to a more sustainable way of life.

We believe that our team is well-suited to this work, given our collective expertise and experience. We have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with the transition to a circular economy, and we are committed to sharing our knowledge and skills with others. We are also focused on collaborating with local organizations and businesses to support the implementation of circular economy initiatives in the communities where we work.


European Learning Center is a company dedicated to education. From languages to professional skill training, our company has more than 25 years of experience in the sector, covering the needs at a national and EU level. Through the years, we have been working primarily with children, youngsters, and adults. Other specific target populations include minority groups such as Women, Migrants and NEETS in our local and regional communities. Our aim is to help them become active members of society and increase their options and access to new social and digital skills. 

Meath Partnership is a county-wide NGO responsible for the design and implementation of local, rural and community development programmes in Meath. We focus on building the capacity of communities through the delivery of a range of services and initiatives tackling persistent incidence of exclusion and disadvantage, playing a strategic role in the economic development of the County. 

Association Walktogether Bulgaria has one of the biggest networks at a national level (over 4000 youngsters, educators, trainers, and formal /policy advocates). We are based in Sofia, but as well we work in towns and remote areas. We have 10 years of experience in youth projects, management and coordination in KA1 and KA2 projects, As well, our youth workers teach NFE at school and work with people with fewer opportunities. Our organisation is cooperating at national level with ESN Bulgaria, a Youth Centre, Municipality and 2 schools as associates.

School “Sfantul Andrei” is located in outskirts of Braila in an area with a community which was hit hard by economic crisis with direct effects on school population which it is dropped every year because families migrated to work abroad, pupils showing a little motivation in learning, teachers become counselor for them and them families. We work with this pupils to improve their relations with other children, their self-confidence, and their learning and assessment results.

The Institute for Promotion and Certification of Agri-food Products (iAgroCert) is a non-profit organization established in Veria, a small but beautiful city in the northern part of Greece. In Veria, the agricultural sector is a significant factor on the economy of the local society. So, the iAgroCert is created to support the strategic development of the primary sector, the promotion of quality products, the enhancement of their brand identity and content quality and their commercial value in markets in Greece and abroad. As an organization iAgroCert aims also to support the networking of producers and businesses in the agri-food sector and create an integrated marketing strategy for local products. 

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